Nick Kimber

Director of Public Service Reform (Place, Design and Innovation) at the Cabinet Office, and Director of Strategy at Camden LBC

Nick is the Director of Public Service Reform (Place, Design and Innovation) within Cabinet Office where he leads the Test, Learn and Grow programme, focused on place-based innovation and how that can drive 're-wiring' within central government. He is on secondment to HMG but his day job is Director of Strategy, Design and Insight at the London Borough of Camden. He leads on corporate strategy and is responsible for service and policy design, taking a leading role in introducing new digital and design
capability into the Council and local government more generally. 

Between September 2022 and December 2021, he was the senior Council officer responsible for the Camden’s Renewal Commission, chaired by Cllr Georgia Gould and Mariana Mazzucato, which developed four community-led renewal missions
which are now embedded within the Council’s strategic plan.  He was formerly a Policy Fellow in the IIPP Policy Studio at the UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP) and was the co-author of the Missions Critical report, a collaboration between IIPP and FGF. The report makes recommendations about the implementation of missions at a national level